migration is what all species do –
butterflies and people
transformation is my freedom
earth is our home
on my wings i carry the sky
my sculpture butterfly is called 'wisdomkeeper' / it equals im(migrants) to beautiful migrating species, butterflies / it also implies labor of bees because im(migrants) work tenaciously on their future which has a profound transformative effect on the whole society
the way we treat humans is the way we treat nature / the reverse is equally true / if we want to save our home earth we have to care and guard freedoms of all her citizens – human and non-human / there is no separation between the two / today, every being on Earth faces a time of incredible transformation within continual cycles of political, social and environmental changes / let this wisdomkeeper guide you to the change
the flight of butterflies is a projects organized by the peggy notebaert nature museum of the chicago academy of sciences / this spectacle is an expansive, city-wide outdoor exhibit combining nature, art, and storytelling to deliver a powerful and memorable experience to chicagoans of all ages
embracing the ethos that everyone has a unique relationship with nature, the museum invited local artists to adorn aluminum butterfly sculptures with original designs that symbolize their personal connection to the natural world / through this endeavor, the museum seeks to showcase not only the kaleidoscope of artistic perspectives but also the profound diversity of narratives rooted in the relationship between humanity and nature
as these sculptures disperse from the museum to their locations across the city, each butterfly becomes a living testament to the artist's journey, embodying themes of metamorphosis and adaptation, and mirroring the dynamic changes observed in the natural realm / by intertwining these artistic expressions with the captivating allure of butterflies, the nature museum and the invited artists celebrate the rich cultural mosaic of chicago and also invite a call to action for the conservation of locally and globally imperiled wildlife and habitats
this project amplifies our common mission to create positive connections between people and nature, and illuminates our vital conservation stories / as a beacon of environmental stewardship, we are dedicated to butterfly conservation efforts